Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Santa: The Real One


Saint Nicholas porcelain figurine hand painted by Leslie Howe 2023. 

Blog is in honor of Three Kings’ Day: January 6, 2025


When I go a shopping

I see toy Santas there

I just try to ignore them

but in my heart I care.


I kind of know the real one

the one who lived in time

He's nothing like those Santas

So here what's on my mind.


Nicholas was his name;

they later added "Saint"

that's what they called him

because he was so great.


He was raised by his "Uncle"

that uncle taught him well

and many a Jesus story

did his uncle tell


Nick liked that story

the one about the Wise

who came to worship Jesus,

the star before their eyes.


They gave so many presents

and never left their names

to Nick that seemed a wonder

to never seek their praise.


He saved some men from drowning

when he was just a boy

He learned how to create things

and often carved a toy.


Those toys he gave to children

the poor and the sad

He liked to see his presents

make other people glad.


He even gave some money

to families who had lost

all their family riches

when their trading ships were tossed.


He never left his name

to take away the joy.

He learned from the wise men

when he was just a boy.


When he was grown up

A bishop he became

in the place called Myra.

Diocletian caused him pain


For he was sent to prison

for holding to the Faith

that his uncle had taught him

I guess that was his fate.


But Constantine did free him

when in the sky he saw

"In this sign you conquer."

He freed the Christians all.


And Nick was always faithful

to his godly call

and others tried to follow

being good to one and all.


When he went to heaven

other people came

they did their selfless giving

in Nicholas’ name.


So why don't you join in

with all this wondrous fun,

since Nicholas' giving

has only just begun?


The Master gave a blessing

for all of those who give

they are the only ones who

have really learned to live.


Bible allusions: Matthew 2:1-11; Acts 20:35


Guest blog is by Leslie Elaine Smith Howe, who received a B.S. from Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA (1965), M.A. (math) Cleveland State University (NSF) (1969), and M.T.S. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA (1970). She has worked as a public-school teacher teaching computer languages and math, camp counselor, Sunday School teacher, and served as a Pastor’s wife. She is also the author of a compilation of poems, A Child’s Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson and Me: Childhood in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries and several historical novels: Hatshepsut, The Pharaoh’s Daughter and Corina of Damascus.